Windsurfer on a wave in Taranaki, New Zealand


Trip Report

It was on! Water Nomads late summer Surfari to Taradise.

With the promise of perfect weather and a moderate swell, five great windsurfers joined us for the weekend. Jill, Richard and David were so amped from our first trip and were straight into this one (pretty sure it was just the food).  With Pete and Christian joining the group ensuring the social dynamic was fantastic from the get-go.

Friday evening found us in Oakura as our home (situated just south of New Plymouth). This proved perfect for a still early morning surf SUP on the beach before breakfast.  A constant flow of coffee ensured caffeine levels were suitable for constant banter and an ever-increasing eagerness to play on the water.

Saturday found truth of any activity that relies on the weather; the weather will always fool the forecaster.  And a distinct absence of swell and wind had the team SUP surf Baileys Road before hunting for the promised blow.  Much chatter with random directional finger pointing eventually lead to a feed of a heathy lunch by our partner Mint Lunches.  Beach naval gazing eventually had three eager players on the water as the afternoon brought 8-10 knots. We resigned to a light wind skill testing (what was it? Never miss an opportunity to practice your tacks?), with the ever-present assurance that there would be more tomorrow.

It wasn’t long though before Heidi laid down the gauntlet… A challenge, to sail back home (Weld Road, to Oakura Beach), up wind, in 8-10 knots…  Hmmm, an actual Surfari!

Pete and David took up the challenge and as they made their way around the headland found it amazing how far out those cars sized boulders can reveal themselves.

Fins and boards unscathed, the three made it easily to Okura, with a brief walk to the house and a well-earned beer.  Soon Katrin, our esteemed weekend chief (Mint Lunches), delivered our dinner personally, a Tarakihi and vegetable stew with fresh German spelt bread that was to die for!  This followed by raw ginger slice.  OMG! There was not a drop of wine left either 😀

Sunday was a slow start, but in true form the sunshine and wind arrived.  Crystal blue waters that is the deep Tasman Sea off Ahu Ahu Road was a great afternoon with fun bump and jump conditions and a small rolling swell to turn duck and gibe… Another fabulous lunch by Mint Lunches and soon the afternoon of sailing drew long and it was finally time to bid farewell to everyone and journey back to Auckland.

Interest for a mid-winter madness trip has already being mooted, so keep an eye out for June 2019…

Looking to travel New Zealand? Check out Water Nomads for Watersports Rental and Surfari Trips!

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